null eSafety Commissioner (Online Safety)

eSafety Commissioner (Online Safety)




The eSafety Commissioner (eSafety) is Australia's independent regulator for online safety. The eSafety purpose is to help safeguard all Australians from online harms and to promote safer, more positive online experiences. The work of eSafety is approached through the three lenses of prevention, protection, and proactive and systemic change and includes four reporting schemes, online safety information and guidance, special initiatives and programs, research and education and training. 

In addition to an extensive range of resources for groups including educators, parents, your people and kids, eSafety offers a range of community education and training free of charge. 

The eSafety free professional learning offerings for teachers vary in length, typically 1 - 2 hours.

Offerings include self-paced short modules and webinars. Some webinars are offered several times per year; participants can register online for the date and time that works best for them. Other webinars can be specifically booked (these webinars require a minimum number of participants).

Topics include:

  • online risks and protective factors

  • online safety for school leaders

  • digital rights and responsibilities of students and educators

  • responding and reporting: critical online incidents in school settings

  • online harmful sexual behaviours, misinformation and emerging technologies

Visit the eSafety Commissioner website for more information



Contact Details


A contact form is available on the website.