Problem predicting

This strategy will help students to:

  • identify and predict problems that may arise from a sexual health or relationship situation

  • transfer problem-solving and decision-making skills to situations 

  • develop strategies to deal with problems before they arise and reduce risk.


  1. Students generate a range of scenarios or problems that can occur between friends or classmates, or where someone may be influenced to choose an unhealthy or unsafe option. The scenario should include a character plus supporting information.

  • Who is influencing the character (e.g. older sibling, peers, adult or person of the same age) or is the influence coming from the character's own thoughts?

  • What kinds of things are said, done or thought to influence the character's behaviour?

  • Where is the situation happening (e.g. at a friend's place, the shops, car park)?

  • How is the character feeling in this situation?

  1. Collect scenario cards and ask the class to rank the cards from the scenario that would cause the most distress or upset to the one that is the easiest to deal with. Ensure students provide reasons to support their rankings.

  2. Give each group a scenario card, ensuring that it was not a scenario originally created by the group. 

  3. Students discuss the scenario and predict what outcomes or problems could occur.

  4. Share the predictions generated by each group then ask students to decide which option they would choose after considering the positive and negative consequences.

  5. Students can write or tell a story in which the problem is brought to a solution or role-play various responses to a problem and see how they might work in ‘real life'.