Picture talk

This strategy can:

  • initiate ideas and discussion about a specific topic or issue

  • assess students prior knowledge, current values and level of focus/engagement at the start of a lesson

  • assess students feelings and comfort levels at the end of a lesson (helping to 'square things away' before moving on to other lessons).


Using pictures as a stimulus

Using a picture to pose questions and focus a group discussion.


  • Adverts (fragrances, deodourant, make up, clothes, alcohol, tampons, etc) - discuss gender stereotypes, gender roles, over-sexualised images, body image, etc.
  • Social media posts - pose questions around unrealistic body image (photoshopping images, camera angles and filters); start a debate on respectful/disrespectful behaviour.
  • Photograph from the past - discuss how bodies change, how society has changed, etc.
  • Storybook page - dicuss why the character is feeling this way, what has happened previously, what might happen next, what they could do differently, what choices they have.
  • Freeze frame from a movie/tv show - discuss characters' choices and decision making, respectful/disrespectful behviour, etc.


Using picture packs

Packs of picture cards can be purchased from places such as Innovative Resources. These cards can be used in a number of ways and can be purchased in different languages.


Feelings cards

E.g. Card sets - bears, kangas, stones, funky fish, body signals, can-do dinosaurs.

  1. Place the cards on the floor around the room.
  2. Pose a question: How are you feeling coming into this lesson? How do you feel about what we have covered in this lesson? How do you feel about (insert a current topic in the media)?
  3. Ask students to stand near to a card that represents their answer (tell them to leave it on the floor in case someone else would like to choose the same card).
  4. This is a useful strategy for students who are non-verbal or who do not like to speak in group settings.

It is important to remember the ground rule 'right to pass' in these actvities - ask for volunteers to share their thoughts rather than going around the circle. 

This activity may prompt disclosures. Revise how to protectively interrupt and deal with disclsoures.


Strengths cards

E.g. Angels, Can-do Dinosaurs, Strengths, Strengths cards for kids, Strengths in teams

  1. Place the cards on the floor around the room.
  2. Have students stand next to a card that shows one of their strengths or a strength they see in another class member.
  3. This is a great activity to do after a lesson on body image or decision making to remind students of their personal strengths that relate to their internal values.