Thought shapes

This strategy will help students to:

  • reflect individually on their learning experiences and how these activities can be applied to their lives

  • generalise skills and knowledge to other situations

  • understand and manage their emotions.


  1. Display the thought shapes around the room.

  2. Explain that the shapes can be used by students to reflect on their learning after completing an activity or a series of activities.

  3. Explain what each shape signifies.

  • The most important thing I have learnt from doing this activity/unit.

  • How I can apply the knowledge and skills I have learnt outside this classroom.

  • How I feel about using the skills and ideas I have learnt.

  • The thoughts still going around in my head after this activity/unit.

  1. Students can talk or write about their responses to these shapes.

  2. If using the circle shape, record the questions raised by students and plan further learning experiences using this information.


Individual thoughts

Make a class set of thought shape cards and give each student a different shaped card. Students can then respond to the shape either through writing or by talking with another student who has a different shape or with a student who has the same shape.

Group thoughts

Place students in groups of four with one set of thought shape cards. Students take turns to select a card and share with the group.
