Vox pop interviews

This strategy will help students to:

  • develop open-ended questions for a specific target group and analyse interview responses

  • determine the most effective way to communicate in relationships about sexual health situations.


  1. Develop a scenario or problem related to a sex and relationship issue.

  2. Ask students to identify a group of people to interview (e.g. class members, parents, peers or other community members).

  3. Those interviewed are requested to suggest how they could communicate effectively and decide what actions could be put in place to reduce the risk for those described in the scenario or problem. Where possible, students can video or audio-record the responses.

  4. Students compare and contrast the responses then assess the most effective communication and actions to apply to the situation. 

  5. Students can display the results of their vox pop interviews using a chosen medium such as a graph, chart, text summary or visual image. The display should include general information about respondents and an analysis of the responses. 

  6. Information can then be shared through presentations to others (e.g. PowerPoint presentation, talking at an assembly or through a school newsletter article).