null 2018 SiREN Symposium: Connect, Learn, Apply

2018 SiREN Symposium: Connect, Learn, Apply



SiREN: WA Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evlauation Network


17-18 May 2018


Curtin University

Bentley, WA



The third biennial SiREN Symposium brought together West Australian practitioners, clinicians, researchers and policy makers with an interest in sexual health and blood borne virus (SHBBV) issues.

With the theme of “Connect, Learn, Apply”, the 2018 Symposium aimed to...

Connect: ignite collaborations and partnerships within the sexual health and blood-borne virus sector and make connections between evidence, policy and practice; 

Learn: presentations of research and evaluation results and new evidence; and 

Apply: presentations of practical experience from practitioners, researchers and policymakers.

This year saw over 130 delegates descend upon Technology Park Function Center for a jam packed one and a half days of presentations, discussions, workshops and networking. Delegates were able to choose between 45 abstract presentations which provided a professional and collegiate opportunity for new and seasoned presenters to share knowledge and obtain feedback.

Keynote presentations from Professor Martin Holt (UNSW), Professor Rebecca Guy (UNSW), Associate Professor James Ward (SAHMRI), and Dr Joe Doyle (Burnet Institute) provided insights into the latest national and Perth-based data, the media's role in public and sexual health, and the need for targeted interventions.