What's OK and what's not OK

Time to complete What's OK and what's not OK: 60 min

Year level: 8


Students deepen their understanding of 'what's OK' and what's 'not OK' in friendships/romantic relationships and find examples in the film 'Tagged'.

Learning focus

WA HPE Curriculum

  • Skills and strategies to promote physical and mental health, safety and wellbeing in various environments, such as: assertive responses; stress management; refusal skills; contingency plans; online environments; making informed choices. (ACPPS073)
  • The impact that bullying and harassment can have on relationships, including online relationships, and the health and wellbeing of themselves and others. (ACPPS074)
  • Personal, social and cultural factors influencing emotional responses and behaviours such as: prior experience; norms and expectations; personal beliefs and attitudes. (ACPPS075)
  • Benefits to individuals and communities of valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity, such as: challenging sexism; researching how stereotypes and prejudices have been challenged in various contexts. (ACPPS078ACPPS079)
  • Ways in which changing feelings and attractions form part of developing sexual identities.(ACPPS070)
  • Strategies for managing the changing nature of peer and family relationships. (ACPPS071)

International technical guidance on sexuality education

  • 1.2 (12-15 years) Key idea 1: Friends can influence one another negatively
  • 1.2 (12-15 years) Key idea 3: Romantic relationships can be strongly affected by inequality and differences in power.
  • 4.3 (12-15 years) Key idea 1: The internet, cell phones and social media can be sources of unwanted sexual attention.

Key understandings

enlightenedEveryone has the right to respectful relationships (online and offline) at all times.

enlightenedThere are things we can do and places we can go for help if we are being treated disrespectfully.


  • Student activity sheets:
    • Page 1 - Student activity sheet 1: What's OK and what's NOT OK - qualities cut out with at least one quality per student. 

    • Page 2 - Student activity sheet 2: Tagged - What's OK and what's NOT OK (one per student or group)

    • Page 3 - Teacher answer sheet (page 3): Tagged - What's OK and what's not OK

  • Film: Tagged (14 min 30 sec) (external link)

General capabilities

No General Capabilities values have been selected.

Health and physical education(P)

Personal, social and community health

This strand will develop students' knowledge, understanding and skills to support a positive sense of self, to effectively respond to life events and transitions and to engage in their learning. Effective communication, decision-making and goal-setting skills are integral to this strand as they help to establish and maintain relationships in family, school, peer group and community settings, support healthy and safer behaviours, and enable advocacy. Students will source and examine a range of health information, products, services and policies, and evaluate their impact on individual and community health and safety.

Relationships and sexuality

Blooms revised taxonomy

No Blooms values have been selected.

Inquiry learning phase

No Inquiry Learning phase values have been selected.

Related items

Teaching resource (download) Guides

Before you get started

  • It is important to consider the range of parenting styles, family contexts and cultural backgrounds students may be influenced by and how this contribute to a students values.

  • Trauma informed - it is vital recognise the prevalence of adverse childhood experiences and how trauma survivors may respond to our words and actions. 

  • Protective interrupting - Teachers need to know and understand how to use this technique to prevent students form potentially disclosing sensitive information or abuse in front of other students.

  • Dealing with disclosures - Teachers must be aware of the school and legal procedures if a student discloses personal issues, particularly disclosures of sexual abuse.

  • Watch film: Tagged (14 min 30 sec) to determine if suitable for your students.

  • Read background teaching note: Respectful relationships

Learning activities

Group agreement

Time to complete Group agreement: 5 min

Whole Class

yes Teaching tip: A group agreement must be established before any RSE program begins to ensure a safe learning environment. Read: Essential information: Establishing a group agreement for tips on how to create one and what to include.

  1. Revise the class group agreement

Matching pairs: What's OK and what's NOT OK

Time to complete Matching pairs: What's OK and what's NOT OK: 15 min

Whole Class

  1. Give each student a card from Student activity sheet 1: What's OK and what's NOT OK?

  2. Ask students to move to one side of the room if they think their card demonstrates behaviour that is OK/respectful and the other side of the room if it shows behaviour that is NOT OK/disrespectful. 

  3. Ask a volunteer with a card from the 'disrespectful' side to read out their card. The student who thinks their card shows the opposite, respectful behaviour reads their card out and they stand together. Repeat until all cards are matched.

Film: Tagged

Time to complete Film: Tagged: 20 min

Independent or Small Group

  1. Give each student a copy of Student activity sheet 2: Tagged - What's OK and what's not OK.

  2. Explain that the table on page 1 shows all the examples of OK and NOT OK behaviours that they have just matched and discussed. 

  3. laugh Say,

"We are going to watch a film that is about some respectful and disrespectful behaviours. This film has issues including relationships, onine bullying and sexting. 

As we watch the film, I would like you to look for examples of respectful and disrespectful behaviours and language and record them on page 2."

  1. Display the focus question:

What examples of OK (respectful) and NOT OK (disrespectful) behaviour and language do you see in Tagged?

  1. Watch Tagged (14 min).

  2. Students record brief answers on page 2 of Student activity sheet 2: Tagged - What's OK and what's not OK.

  3. If time permits, watch in its entirety, and then go back and watch it again stopping at crucial points to discuss, make notes and help students identify different behaviours. Use Teacher answer sheet: Tagged - What's OK and what's not OK.

Processing questions

Time to complete Processing questions: 15 min

  1. laughAsk:

❓ Was it easy to recognise respectful and disrespectful behaviours in Tagged? How? Why?

Some may be easy to identify. Others may be difficult. Social norms and individual experiences affect how we determine if something is respectful or not. 

❓ How do you think people being treated disrespectfully feel?

Angry, upset, sad, hurt, frustrated, numb, or they may not recognise that they are being disrespected.

❓ What could those people being treated disrespectfully do to stop the other person?

Tell them, "It upsets me when you say things like this." Walk away, ignore them, talk to someone (Friend/adult/Kids Helpline).

Do you think it is easy to do something about being treated disrespectfully?

For many people, it can be very difficult as it requires a lot of confidence and self esteem to challenge disrespectful behaviours. Disrespectful behaviour may come from a friend, loved one, or an adult, and responding appropriately can be tricky.

Take home message

Time to complete Take home message: 5 min

  1. Remind students of the take home message/s:

enlightenedEveryone has the right to respectful relationships (online and offline) at all times.

enlightenedThere are things we can do and places we can go for help if we are being treated disrespectfully.

  1. Question box: Give out some small scrap pieces of paper and allow students time to write any questions they have for the question box. To ensure confidentiality, ask all students to write something on the scrap paper at the same time (even if the just draw a smiley face or scribble) and place it in the question box.

  2. Remind students that Get the Facts has a completely confidential 'Ask a question' service that they may wish to use. All questions are answered by a qualified health professional within a week. 

Health promoting schools strategy


  • eSmart Schools help schools create a cultural norm of smart, safe and responsible digital technologies.

  • For parent newsletters:

    • Direct parents to eSafetyCommissioner - Tagged so that they have information about the video and can support the work you are doing in your classroom. Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Italian and Vietnamese versions are available.

    • Share the eSafety Office youtube channel that offers a suite of videos on keeping safe online, onine relationships, image based abuse, bullying and racism. 

External related resources

The practical guide to love, sex and relationships 

A teaching resource from the Australian Research Centre in Sex, Health and Society, La Trobe University.

Topic 4: What to do when you think you like someone

  • Respectful and ethical romance

  • How to begin a relationship (friendships and potential romantic relationships)

  • How to listen

Topic 5: Why do people kiss?

  • Consent for kissing

  • Respecting boundaries

Topic 6: What's OK and what's not OK (sexual harrassment)

  • What sexual harassment is

  • Help-seeking