
Signs of pregnancy
If no contraception was used or if the contraception has failed (e.g. the condom slipped off or broke) then a pregnancy may occur (when having penis-in-vagina sex).
A missed or late period is the most obvious sign of pregnancy, but it doesn't always mean someone is pregnant.
Other signs of pregnancy may include:
- sore breasts
- breasts getting bigger
- nipples getting darker
- weight gain
- nausea and vomiting
- unusual tiredness
- weeing more often.
If a young person thinks they might be pregnant, it is important to get confirmation of the pregnancy as early as possible.
A urine pregnancy test (which involves ‘weeing on a stick') is quick and generally very accurate and can detect a pregnancy from around the time of the first missed period.
These are available at pharmacies and supermarkets but results should be confirmed by a health professional.
If a young person has had unprotected sex, then an STI test is also recommended.
Sexual Health Quarters (SHQ) offers free, non-judgemental support including unplanned pregnancy counselling by phone or in person.
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Related content:
Safer sex resources, Growing and developing healthy relationships
Relationships, sex and other stuff, Healthy WA
If you need support:
Sexual Health Helpline, Free confidential answers to questions by phone or email.
Sexual Health Quarters, Free and low cost confidential and non-judgemental sexual health services. Youth-friendly services include STI testing and treatment; contraception information and supply; unplanned pregnancy information and referral; counselling (free for unplanned pregnancy issues and those under 25).