About this section

The agencies listed in this section have been included based on quality of educational content, relevance to subject matter, recency and accuracy of information provided at the time of publication.

The intended use of these resources is to support the knowledge, understanding and confidence of the teacher in delivering relationships and sexuality education programs. Direct use of these resources in the classroom is at the discretion of teachers and school principals.


Agencies - Western Australia


Transfolk WA

A peer support service for transgender people and their loved ones in WA.


WA Child Safety Services

WA Child Safety Services (WACSS) provide child safety education and training for children, young people, parents, educators and other professionals. Services include: professional learning, parent workshops, children's workshops and individual sessions.


WA Sexual Health and Blood-borne Virus Applied Research and Evaluation Network (SiREN)

SiREN is a partnership between researchers, service providers and policymakers working to strengthen evidence-informed policy and practice in Western Australia. SiREN's services include identifying and promoting opportunities for collaboration, developing research and evaluation skills, sharing research and evaluation evidence, developing resources and delivering training.


Western Australian AIDS Council (WAAC)

WA AIDS Council (WAAC) provides a wide range of services dedicated to the prevention of HIV, and the treatment and care of people living with HIV and AIDS. WAAC provides: professional development, presentations and workshops for students, a needle exchange program, and various resources.


Western Australian Health Promoting Schools Association (WAHPSA)

The WA Health Promoting Schools Association (WAHPSA) advocates and supports a whole school and community approach to health and wellbeing. The Association achieves this through education, coordination and collaboration with school communities and health agencies.


Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA)

The Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia (YACWA) is the peak non-government youth organisation in Western Australia, operating primarily as a human rights organisation that seeks to address the exclusion of young people in a rapidly changing society. YACWA educate the community and work in partnership with young people to provide responses to all levels of government policy and debate.


Youth Educating Peers (YEP) Project

The Youth Affairs Council of Western Australia's (YACWA) YEP Crew support and educate young people in relationships, sexual health and blood-borne virus issues. They run a variety of interactive workshops for young people that run from 45 min to 1.5 hours and are led by peer educators. Topics include: respectful relationships and consent; STIs and BBVs; contraception; gender and sexuality; the technosexual world; sex and the law.

— 20 Items per Page
Showing 21 - 27 of 27 results.