Keeping safe in sexual situations

Time to complete Keeping safe in sexual situations: 55 min

Year level: 9 or 10


Students explore legal, physical, social and emotional safety, and respectful relationships using a placemat strategy and the Laugh and learn video as a stimulus.

Explores the importance of communicating with a partner about readiness for sex, consent and contraception.


Learning focus

Year 9

  • Skills to deal with challenging or unsafe situations: refusal skills; initiating contingency plans; expressing thoughts, opinions and beliefs; acting assertively (ACPPS091).

  • Actions and strategies to enhance health and wellbeing in a range of environments: identifying and managing risky situations; safe blood practices (ACPPS091).

  • Impact of external influences on the ability of adolescents to make healthy and safe choices relating to: sexuality; alcohol and drug use; risk taking (ACPPS092).

  • Characteristics of respectful relationships: respecting the rights and responsibilities of individuals in the relationship; empathy (ACPPS093)

  • Strategies are examined, such as communicating choices, seeking, giving and denying consent, and expressing opinions and needs that can support the development of respectful relationships, including sexual relationships, for example: investigating the Western Australian legal requirements in relation to seeking, giving, refusing and accepting the refusal of consent, and considering how these laws relate to relationships with friends, colleagues, strangers and intimate partners, in both online and offline interactions.

Year 10

  • Skills and strategies to manage situations where: risk is encouraged by others (ACPPS091).

  • External influences on sexuality and sexual health behaviours, including the impact decisions and actions have on their own and others' health and wellbeing (ACPPS091).

  • Skills and strategies to promote respectful relationships (ACPPS093)

  • Strategies are examined, such as communicating choices, seeking, giving and denying consent, and expressing opinions and needs that can support the development of respectful relationships, including sexual relationships, for example: reflecting on the potential impact of their own behaviour on others and the importance of taking responsibility for their own actions to ensure they do no harm to others.


Key understandings

enlightened Communicating with your partner about readiness for sex, consent, STI prevention and contraception before sexual activity is essential.

enlightened Keeping yourself and your partner safe in sexual situations means thinking about all aspects of safety and wellbeing including physical, emotional, social and legal. 

enlightened It is important for partners to communicate about their expectations before sexual activity. 



  • Laugh and learn video - keeping safe (2min 8sec)
  • Student activity sheet: Placemat activity sheet_keeping safe with sexual activity (1 per group of 4 students enlarged to A3 size)

  • Teacher resource: Placemat activity_answer sheet (1 for teacher)

  • Optional: Take home activity_reliable RSE websites


General capabilities

No General Capabilities values have been selected.

No Australian Curriculum values have been selected.

Blooms revised taxonomy

No Blooms values have been selected.

Inquiry learning phase

No Inquiry Learning phase values have been selected.

Before you get started


Learning activities

Group agreement

Time to complete Group agreement: 5 min

yesTeaching tip: A group agreement must be established before any Relationships and Sexuality Education (RSE) program begins to ensure a safe learning environment. Read: Essential information: Establishing a group agreement for tips on how to create one and what to include.

  1. Revise the class group agreement

  2. Remind students that throughout the lesson they can write any questions down and add them to the question box at the end of the lesson (if they do not wish to ask them during the lesson). See Essential information - Setting up a question box.

    ⚠️Trigger warning 

    1. laugh Say:

      "This lesson covers topics that can sometimes be difficult for people. If you feel uncomfortable, you may like to take a break from the room.

      Before we start, let's check that everyone knows where to go for help if you want to check anything that this lesson raises for you."

      yes Teaching Tip: You may wish to offer students the option of asking to use the toilet or have a non-verbal signal that students can use so that they can take a break without having to identify themselves to the class.

      1. laugh Ask students:

      ❓ Who are some trusted adults you can talk to?

      (Possible answers: parents, grandparents, teacher, older siblings, doctor, other family members, etc)

      yesTeaching tip: It is important not to tell students who their trusted adults are or should be. You can offer a list of suggestions of who they might be. For some students, some of the people you suggest, may not be people that are safe for them to talk to. Students should not be made to share their list of trusted adults publicly unless they wish to do so.

      ❓ Who are some people at this school that you can talk to?

      (Possible answers: class teacher, other teachers, school psychologist, community health nurse, youth workers, etc )

      ❓ What services and online support is available?

      (Possible answers: Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC), KidshelplineHeadspace, GPs, Sexual Health QuartersBeyond BlueLifeline1800 Respect)


Laugh and learn video - safer sex

Time to complete Laugh and learn video - safer sex: 15 min

  1. laugh Say:

"In this video there are some words and phrases that need some thinking about and discussing before we get to see the video."

  1. laugh Divide the class into groups to discuss the following questions. Ask for responses from each group.

 What do you think 'ramification' means? Use a dictionary if you don't know. 

(Consequence, result, aftermath, outcome, effect.)

❓ Thinking about the topic of 'staying safe in a sexual situation' - what do you think would be covered in a 'proper talk'?

(e.g., Communicating about individual wants; consent; STI and pregnancy prevention.)

❓ What do you understand 'safe sex' measures to be? 

(Using a condom to prevent STIs and/or pregnancy and using a contraceptive method to prevent pregnancy.)

  1. laugh Explain:

"The term 'safe sex' and 'safer sex' are often used interchangeably. In this video the term 'safe sex' is used, however, the more accurate term is 'safer sex' as no sexual activity is 100% safe."

For a more detailed explanation see Safer sex (external link) and What is safer sex? (external link). 

  1. Watch Laugh and learn - keeping safe (2min 8sec)

  1. laugh Ask:

❓ What do you think of the use of humour in this video?

❓ Does it help get information across? How?

❓ What is the message/information you got from this video?

(e.g. it is important to talk about safer sex beforehand; both partners need to be ready; the age of consent in WA is 16; partners should be aware of what each other want; consent is vital)

  1. laugh Say:

"While humour is useful and we can laugh at some aspects, there is a serious side to keeping safe that we need to look at. We're going to look at some of the important considerations around, and possible 'ramifications' (consequences) of, sexual activity."

laugh Ask:

❓ There were a number of positive key words you may have seen or heard in the video. What were they? (Give clues by writing these words with some letters missing.)

  • communicate/communication/talk

  • consent 

  • comfort/comfortable

  • conversation

  • wants/expectations

❓ So why is it important to talk about safe sex beforehand?

(e.g., ready; comfortable; can be difficult because it is out of comfort zone; both need to be aware of each others expectations.)


Placemat: Keeping safe with sexual activity

Time to complete Placemat: Keeping safe with sexual activity: 25 min

  1. laugh Say:

"There are several aspects to keeping safe in sexual situations that need to be considered.

There are different areas that need to be considered when people are thinking about keeping themselves and their partners safe in sexual situations. As we have discussed, safety and wellbeing related to sexual activity is about more than just STI and pregnancy prevention. It is important to think about the issues and and impacts related to all areas: 

  • physical (including sexual health)

  • emotional

  • social 

  • respectful relationship with partner

  • the law

Many of the issues and consequences considered in each area overlap and link with other areas. 

  1. As a whole group, revise the legal aspects of consent in WA (legal age of consent in WA is 16; consent must be mutual, freely given, informed, certain, coherent, clear and ongoing; consent can be withdrawn at any time).

yes  Teaching tip:  For essential information about consent, safer sex and taking selfies go to the Youth Law Australia website (external site) and Get the Facts - Sex and the law (external site). 

  1. Teaching strategy: Placemat activity

In groups of 4 students complete Student activity sheet: Keeping safe with sexual activity. Have each group discuss and record possible issues and ramifications associated with different aspects of keeping safe in sexual situations:

  • physical (including sexual health)

  • emotional

  • social

  • respectful relationship with partner

  • the law


  1. Have groups share ideas with the whole class. See Teacher resource: Placemat activity_answer sheet for possible answers.

  1. Remind students that the Sexual Assault Resource Centre (SARC) is a free service available for people who have experienced sexual assault. Display the SARC website and crisis line phone numbers (08) 6458 1828 or free call 1800 199 888. Posters can be put up in class and other places around the school. 



Time to complete Reflection: 5 min

  1. Ask students to write one new thing they have learnt from this lesson.

  2. Ask for volunteers to share what they wrote.

  3. Remind students that Get the Facts has a completely confidential 'ask a question' service that they may wish to use. All questions are answered by a qualified health professional with a week. 


Take home message

Time to complete Take home message: 3 min

  1. Remind students of the take home messages:

enlightened Communicating with your partner about readiness for sex, consent, STI prevention and contraception before sexual activity is essential.

enlightened Keeping yourself and your partner safe in sexual situations means thinking about all aspects of safety and wellbeing including physical, emotional, social and legal. 

enlightened It is important for partners to communicate about their expectations before sexual activity. 


Optional: Take home activity

  1. Provide students with the Take home activity: Reliable RSE websites (electronic copy if possible). Remind them that it is best to use credible Western Australian and Australian websites to answer health questions rather than doing an internet search. 


Health promoting schools strategies